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News | 01 April 2018

Milan Fuorisalone event

Dieffebi presents the new Echo Lockers collection
A safe place to put your objects!

In the occasion of the Brera Design Week Dieffebi invites You to PEOPLE BORN MOVING.

The event analyzes the themes of agile work, mobility and interconnection.

During the event, the new Echo Lockers collection, designed by the 967arch studio, will be presented.
The exhibition will be enhanced by the TUMI spring-summer proposals.

Leonardo Previ will speak, author of the essay "Zainocrazia" and professor of Human Resources Management at the Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore.

Wednsday 18 April 2018 at 6 p.m.
at the Dieffebi showroom in via Milazzo 8, Milan

Cocktail party!

Milan Fuorisalone event
Milan Fuorisalone event
Milan Fuorisalone event
Milan Fuorisalone event
Milan Fuorisalone event

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