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Pull down door

Design: Hangar Design Group

Material: made of recyclable steel.
Colours: in two standard colours.
Can be equipped with coloured panels available in 4 colours.
Side and top connectors.
Pull down door

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Created by Dieffebi’s invaluable experience in the containers sector, the DotBox modular system lends itself to infinite horizontal or vertical compositions. This flexibility allows it to be used in countless situations: from open space environments, where it lends itself to subdividing areas and organizing different areas, to smaller spaces, for a variety of uses. The high quality production and the finishing levels, both front, side and rear, make these containers the true protagonists of space, while their robust metal construction guarantees a long lasting durability.


  • Pull down door unit (anthracite handle) 800x410xH 400/413 mm

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Pull down door

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